Child Custody
Comprehensive Child Custody Services with an award-winning commitment to excellence.
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Child Custody Investigations
In child custody case investigations, there is nothing more important than the child. Our clients can rest assured that we will deliver the best child custody spouse investigation possible. This will create the strongest case for our client. The facts provided in this investigation will assist attorneys in their recommendation of the parent chosen for child custody. Empire provides documented facts of unwarranted behavior of persons directly involved with the child. Our surveillance techniques, extensive investigation of criminal records and background information can be used in an effort to report and/or prevent child neglect or abuse. Our primary focus at all times is the needs of the child. Not what goes on in the courtroom. Let Empire be the investigative eyes and ears of your legal team to ensure the best possible outcome for your family.
Our Company Mission
At Empire Investigation LLC, our mission is to help national and international clients to maximize their performance and achieve strategic objectives through our persuasive intelligence, analysis, and effective problem-solving.